Saturday, September 20, 2008


Transitions of my life.  As i can remember there have been 3 phases of life.
phase 1:True Colours(beauty of the innocence) 

This goes way back to when i was a lil kid(maybe 1st std)... i was like this typicall fair(i know what u r thinknin: man this guy cant stop about being fair eh:) ) chubby fat kid who just loved  his cars, eat n study ...
This is the army pahse: I was inspired by the national guard n used to draw these drawings of me driving the army jeep n had painted everything in the camouflage  thingy .. i was so determined to be any soldier that my mom used to end up in tears at the end of the day..
Good Kid: I had always been my teachers fav student. Used to follow what i was asked to do blindly(can't believe i was like this:p)...... N used to compete with my grandma as in who was better in narrating devine slokas(god stuff)... i used to get back from school get myself a diary milk,if my mom didnt get it i would literally burn down the house...n used to sit with my grandma n cantillate the slokas till she agrees i'm good... i would never settle down for a second place, i knew just one thing that was being victorious(god y did i chage), i was a go getter god only knows what it means... i used to deliver more than what was required by me... have never come second in class... used to cry if i got second n punish myself...had never put a foot wrong in my life.. 
Passion for driving:Yea i know u ppl know the rest of what i'm gonna write... i still the first time i started my maruthi van ... i was i guess 6yrs(nt exaggerating) had done after watching some race was all inspired n didn't know how to go about it even then took the van key from the bowl n just started it.. was not a nice experience it was in gear n the car almost fell off the pavement... Dad loved me a lot he didn't do shit he was like i will teach ya how to drive n thats when i started driving,,..N always wanted to be racer...